Default Latitude/Longitude:
tm system is based on Latitude and Longitude
coordinates. Other websites might be based on airport
or town names. During the design phase, it was felt just not practical
to do it that way. The site would have to have an absolutely insanely
large database of world airports, as of
2025, there are
airports in the US alone, and perhaps ~41,000-~72,000 around the world,
depending on what one calls an airport.,
or world towns (~2.8 million or so). Even at that, if a user happened
to miss spell the name or search on an obscure name that was not in
the database, they wouldn't find anything. Add to that, thousands of
pilots and airplane owners don't operate from FBOs, they operate from
remote grass, dirt and community airpark strips.
So, this site asks everyone (pilots and the general public), when
creating flight plans or Flight Watch Agents, to enter nearby towns
for reference only, but then use a 2 digit decimal number for their
latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) coordinates (
for example:
lat 34.39, lon -12.43).
FYI: Distances between latitude and longitude coordinates vary as you get
further North or South from the equator, but the distance anywhere from
Norway to South Africa, from 34.12 to 34.13 or from -104.23 to -104.22
can be very roughly rounded to ~1km.
This form allows the general public to search by a FROM lat/lon to a TO Lat/lon,
adjusting the from/to coordinates by a comfortable travel distance. You can
search Flight Plans, Watch Agents, or Both.